The new movie of balakrishna launched yesterday in the presence of Dasari Narayana Rao, Raghavendra Rao, B Gopal and others in the direction of debutant Sathya Deva is getting a positive buzz. In fact, many of the audience like you and me were shocked on how come Balayya selected a director with no prior experience in dealing a movie and that too for a project which is coming very next to super hit ‘Legend.’ Adding more chaos, producer Rudrapati Ramana Rao has also suffered humiliation with last release of ‘Green Signal.’
Coming to matter, we hear that Balayya was so much mesmerized hearing the story of Sathya Deva because this director prepared the story and script sitting for years just to make it suit only for balakrishna. So, this untitled movie is going to be a tailor made one for Nandamuri Star. We can hope for a perfect mass entertainer with Balayya in multiple shades.
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