Tamil star Suriya has a dedicated market in two Telugu speaking states and he is yet to show the same power with the new release of ‘anjaan.’ Yes, the action adventure film directed by Lingusamy is made as a bi-lingual and Telugu release rights are bagged by Lagadapati Sirisha Sridhar of Ramalakshmi Cine Creations. The film is made with a whopping budget of 75 Crores associated by UTV and Tirupathi Brothers.
As per the official reports, ‘anjaan’ will set the screens across world to blaze on August 15 and makers are planning to release the movie even in other languages on the same day as dubbed versions. Samanta’s recent photo from ‘anjaan’ wherein she is laying on the beach has raked the controversy from Mahesh Babu Fans. Anyways, there are a lot of positive points to pick from the movie and definitely ‘anjaan’ is a special movie in this year.
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