Bellamkonda Suresh is currently producing two big movies of ‘Alludu Seenu’ and ‘rabhasa’ in parallel. While one is the debut of his son Sai Sreenivas with heavy budget invested, the other has mass hero Junior NTR which means grandeur and lavish expenditure is mandatory. Bearing the expenses and financial burden for last two years or so, Bellamkonda is happy with both the films setting ready for releases in a very small gap. A minimum of three weeks is the time difference in which ‘Alludu Seenu’ and ‘rabhasa’ are top hit the big screens.
With audio release of ‘Alludu Seenu’ planned on 29th of the month, presence of Junior NTR at the occasion is definitely to add star glamour and indirectly work as promotion for ‘rabhasa.’ Well, let us keep it simple. ‘Alludu Seenu’ audio launch function is to serve as a joint promotional platform for Bellamkonda Sai and ‘rabhasa.’
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