Young hero naga chaitanya's 'Auto Nagar Surya' hit the screens across the globe on 27th of this month and received mixed reports among the audiences. This is the 8th venture of naga chaitanya. Earlier, naga chaitanya scored hits with 'Ye Maaya Chesave', '100% Love' and 'Manam' which are touted as romantic entertainers. Though it being a mass entertainer, 'Tadakha' became a successful venture at the box office and the credit of the success equally goes to Chaithu and Sunil.
On the other side, naga chaitanya's mass and action entertainers, 'Dhada', 'Bejawada' were bombed at the box office. He is yet prove himself as a mass hero. According to his critics, naga chaitanya fits the bill with romantic entertainers only. His ongoing film 'Oka Laila Kosam', obviously, the best choice for him. However, when Chaithu comes up with a powerful mass entertainer consisting all elements of love, action and comedy, he can definitely score another blockbuster in his career.
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