The Telangana's Chief Minister KCR has got furious over a TV channel and a newspaper, which made fun of the party's MLAs with derogatory remarks. Especially, KCR mentioned about the 'bullets' program of a channel. KCR in assembly, has warned the above media that he would bring the cable acts which are being implemented by Jayalalitha's government now. It is reportedly said that the editor of a program has apologized KCR.
Incidentally, above program has been hurting the feelings of lakhs of mega fans for a long while. The channel tried to treat chiranjeevi as the 'Joker' in its program. Since chiranjeevi completely ignores media's satires and criticisms against him, those media houses behave like 'Ishtarajyam' in criticizing chiranjeevi going beyond the limits. It remains to be seen whether chiranjeevi takes legal actions on such programs or not, in future.
Incidentally, above program has been hurting the feelings of lakhs of mega fans for a long while. The channel tried to treat chiranjeevi as the 'Joker' in its program. Since chiranjeevi completely ignores media's satires and criticisms against him, those media houses behave like 'Ishtarajyam' in criticizing chiranjeevi going beyond the limits. It remains to be seen whether chiranjeevi takes legal actions on such programs or not, in future.
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