Samanta’s recent costume at ‘Alludu Seenu’ audio release has raised many eye brows. While fashion designers like Neeraja Kona and Anamika Khanna are known be the real people behind such gorgeous look of Sam. However, National media has written off Sam’s attire as copycat of Deepika Padukone and others in Bollywood. Reacting on these, Sam posted a row of tweets.
‘When a designer comes up with a collection they make similar pieces in a selected color palate for the season. Nationally recognized labels if not internationally … Have ALWAYS KEY PIECES.. A dhoti of Anamika Khanna, a cut work blouse of Arpita. They are not just made in a single piece for one single celeb… These are available in stores and online. Styling is being able to wear a similar outfit or may be the same and putting your spin on it. I have chosen to educate myself about all these wonderful designers and decided to put in effort to style better and have fun. National level fashion blogs and sites such as High heel, pink villa , miss malini, Whose sole purpose is to scout for fashion genius moments and fashion disasters, reviewed my looks multiple times and praised me,’ samanta said.
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