We have been hearing many speculations about the budget of Young Rebel Star Prabhas' 'bahubali' for quite some time. While some people predicted it was somewhere around Rs.80 crores, some others felt the budget would surely be crossed Rs.100 crores. All of a sudden, a buzz in the film nagar, which is making rounds that the budget of the movie has been skyrocketed to Rs.175 crores. Reportedly, some of the sources close to production team revealed this news. Hearing this news, everybody got shocked. However, the film unit sources are defending that the movie would be made in two parts and this budget, obviously, not a surprising investment for a magnum opus like 'Baahubali'. Moreover, the movie will be releasing in multiple languages. Yet again, many film analysts can't believe in this estimated budget due to following reasons.
Though Prabhas is one of the star heroes in tollywood, he is yet to get recognition in other states.
His maximum market stamina, as of now, is Rs.45 crores( for Mirchi).
Though the movie is being made as period drama with all time high budget, the trade people are still taking the movie light. And so, above rumour might have been created to grab the attention of trade people.
Rajamouli might have felt he is capable of delivering another 'Magadheera' to the industry. But then, huge mega fan base, who watched the movie 5 to 10 times are responsible for making 'Magadheera' an all time landmark movie. Will 'Baahubali' have that much stuff to pull the audiences repeatedly to theaters, is the million dollar question.
Even then, if the above gossip is proved right, it can be treated in the perspective of the costliest taste and deep passion of the makers which lead them incurring hundreds of crores for their satisfaction.
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