Stylish Star allu arjun has got the rare opportunity of essaying a historical character 'Gona Gannareddy' in Gunasekhar's magnum opus 'Rudhramadevi'. Even though allu arjun has no previous experience in doing historical ventures, no one has doubts on his talents in performing the role. Moreover, many movie buffs are of the opinion that 'Gona Gannareddy' is a tailor made role for allu arjun as the actor has got sword fighting and other skills which suits the warrior character like 'Gona Gannareddy'.
Grapevine is that allu arjun has not taken remuneration for this movie. In fact, allu arjun's cameo role is enough to fetch Rs.30+ crores additional share for the movie. Though allu arjun rejects the remuneration, Gunasekhar may not accept it. In the meanwhile, the movie's shoot is currently progressing at a brisk pace. allu arjun will be shooting for 40 days during this schedule of the movie. Afterwards, the movie's shoot almost gets wrapped up
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