Gunasekhar’s most anticipated historical film ‘Rudramadevi’ can be called as a true multi star flick because along with Anushka, Daggubati Rana and whole lot of big star cast even there is Allu Arjun portraying the role of powerful Gona Ganna Reddy. As per the reports, Catherine Tresa is the heroine besides Bunny in the character which is currently in the shooting stages.
In fact, Guna thought of casting either Mahesh Babu or Raviteja as Gona Ganna Reddy which comes at a crucial phase of second half in ‘Rudramadevi.’ When none of them agreed to do so owing to professionally busy schedules, Guna approached Bunny and he was more than happy to do the honors. As per Guna’s strategy, this high budget film should release some time in next two months. Guna and Bunny worked for 'Varudu,' a disaster then.
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