Padma Vibhushan, Dada Saheb Phalke award winner,Dr. Akkineni Nageswara Rao was said to be responsible for Telugu film industry settled in Hyderabad. When he constructed annapurna studios, many bigwigs of industry poked fun at him, as they believed the studio would be closed down in a short time. Eventually, annapurna studios has emerged as one of the top studios of India. Superstar Krishna too strived a lot to construct Padmalaya Studios.
Political developments are going on at a rapid pace now. The appointed day for the two new states is set as June 2. The swearing in ceremony of KCR as the new CM of Telangana will also be done on the same day. According to gossipmongers, the lands of Annapurna and Padmalaya Studios will be taken over by TRS government soon. If it really happens, thousands of cine workers, who live on the above studios, will suffer for their livelihood and unfortunate things also may happen. So, the government of Telangana should not disturb the film industry.
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